
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Operation Pre Preggo!

So it has been 4 1/2 months since I have had Ainsley. 

Here is me before having Ainsley. 

This was me when I was pregnant! 

Now this picture shows me at 21 weeks. Do you realize that by 40 weeks I had gained 90 pounds!!!! 

Come again?

yes, I said 90!

However, most of that weight was taken off by the labor, and then breast feeding for a little while. 

However, I still have 30 lbs to lose to get back to my pre-preggo weight. 

I complain that I don't look the same. That I am still wearing maternity jeans and shorts. I cant fit into any of my pre pregnancy clothing aside from a few shirts that I am sort of stretching out! 

What have a done about this? 


So really I should stop complaining or get off my booty and do something about it!!! 

So starting October 1, 2011, I will be starting the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. 

I did the shred for 2 straight weeks in college and had already started to see results, but of course my schedule got busy and changed and I ended up just quitting. 

But as I was browsing my absolute favorite site Pinterest (thank you heather!!), I stumbled upon a picture that this woman took: 

After seeing this, I am so encouraged and motivated. (and seriously that woman has about as many stretch marks as I do! and the belly on day 1 I swear could be mine) 

So why october 1st and not tomorrow? Well it is the whole numbers thing. I want to start on day 1 of the month, that way I dont get confused and this way I can start to mentally prepare myself for what I am going to get myself into! 

So next week I will even take a picture of myself for day 1 so that on day 39 I can see the results. However, I will not be posting this picture haha. I highly doubt any of you need to see my in our under drawers! haha But at least I will get to see the results. I may take a picture with my clothes on for you guys to see though!!! 

Also while I am doing this I am going to have to change eating habits. This is a lifestyle change and one that I am willing to welcome but have had such a hard time staying motivated. 

All it takes is one Dr. Pepper to be laid in front of me and I am done!!! I swear I am addicted to the stuff. 

Also I know that I will never have the body I once had back. I am actually not asking for that. I love my stretch marks. They remind me of the miracle that happened inside me! However, I really just want to get healthy and toned back up so I can fit in my clothes. It's either buy a new wardrobe or lose weight, and since we cant afford to buy me clothes I am kinda forced to have to lose weight ha ha. 

If you guys could encourage me in this, that would be great! Robbie has little faith in me to finish this, because I say I am going to do this all the time but don't. But maybe you guys can keep me motivated!!! Wish me luck!!!


  1. Jenn, You can do this! I'm so excited for you!!! Definitely take pictures of your journey so you can continue to be encouraged as you are changing your lifestyle.

  2. You can do it Jenn!!! Praying for you while you take this step.


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