
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Oh God is so good.

Ok so I have not been on in a while. Mainly because we were going through a huge decision time that was delicate and I did not want to mention it until a decision was made. Well that time has come ladies and gentlemen and we are so excited about it. 

This is me excited!! Kermit is excited too!(This was a pic from back in college....don't ask) ;)

First off, most of you know that Robbie went to college to become a youth minister. He felt it was God's calling and has always been in pursuit of this calling since he graduated. During his last year of college he did have a youth ministry position at a brand new church plant but because of financial reasons the church had to close its doors and Robbie was back out in the world looking for a new church to minister to. At this point Robbie and I were only dating. We knew we were going to get married but we were waiting for Robbie to get a job so we could get engaged. 

See not married yet..just dating. Can you blame a girl though? Who marries the guy picking his nose for a picture?! (I guess this girl does ;))

Well did you know that a church position is probably one of the most difficult positions to get into!? Ha or at least thats how I feel. Its not like a regular job, not only do you apply for the position and interview for it. But you also have to be in prayer and feel that God is calling you to that particular church. Robbie also believes you look for a pastor and not just a church. You have to make sure that the church staff and yourself are going to get along. Just the unity of it all. Anyways, this made things a little harder. Not only that, but a lot of churches would not even give him a second look because he was 1) not married and 2) had not gone to seminary. WOW! 

So in the meantime of looking for a church Robbie worked in the marketing field. He did promotions for various companies and traveled A WHOLE LOT! You can make pretty good money, but its not the kind of job you want when you have a wife and especially when you are starting a family. Unless your wife doesn't care about having her husband home with her, but I am NOT that kind of wife. I mean a little time apart is good, but months!? No way. I wanted Robbie to be with me. 

Yep, see Robbie working hard promoting Geico :) 

Anyways I am turning this into a novel!!! Long story short, Robbie spent a year and half looking for just the right church. He thought he found one at one point but they decided to go with someone that was married. This was so discouraging to him. Its amazing how after we got married all of a sudden people were calling him for interviews. I say this not in a discouraging way, because honestly we feel that its best for a youth pastor to be married too. Anyways, we finally found the right one! When we went to meet with this church for the first time we expected the same Ole thing, that it was going to be another interview that we and that church are just going to feel its not the right fit and plus Robbie kept thinking that the city of Greenwood was the most Podunk place he had ever visited. We were proven wrong about the town and after our first visit with the church pastor and wife we knew that this church was what we were looking for. It was just about waiting and praying that it was what God wanted for us. 

SEE?!?! Us excited!!!

So today Robbie made it official and we are moving to Greenwood, SC in the next few weeks! I am so excited and nervous too. But mostly excited. This will not only be the position that Robbie has been looking for but this will also be a home for us for a while. We can finally settle in somewhere!!! We can finally have our own place that we can call ours! We can know exactly where we are bringing Ainsley into the world! I can open ALL of my wedding presents! ha ha. I know these are pretty selfish excitements but I just can hold back on those ones. Its amazing how God's timing works. He really does want us to be still and know that He is God. 


So keep us in your prayers as we make this move and transition. And pray for Robbie (and I) as he begins allowing God to work through him to reach the youth of our new community!


As most of you know I have finally opened my Etsy shop! I only have three items on there but I have more to post just have not finished them yet. I wanted to go ahead and get it up and running so I can start adding things. Im really nervous no one will buy anything ha.

Here is my AWESOME logo that my best friend Anna made for me! I love it and was so excited to get to use it!

I also went ahead and made a business page on Facebook for it too. So spread the news. I need as many likes on my page as possible!!

You can check out both my Etsy shop and my Facebook page by clicking on the banner on the side of my blog :). 

Oh, and in news of baby Ainsley. Everything is going wonderful as planned. Mom is eating too much ha ha. Oh and I have found a midwife instead of a doctor. I was seeing a doctor in Mississippi for all my prenatal visits. But now I have a midwife and I can already tell you that there is a such a huge difference between the two. I will hopefully have a blog up soon about my experience with both. I also hope to fill you in on my experience of having a midwife for my delivery also. But that of course wont be until I deliver ha ha. 


  1. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!!!!

    SO very excited for you three! SO MUCH GOING ON & SO MUCH EXCITING NEWS!

  2. What is the name of the church? Mathis is from Greenwood!

  3. Its a newer church, about 10 years old. New Covenant Church is the name. You can look at it at we love the pics of charlotte!!! You two make one beautiful baby!!


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