
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Starting an Etsy Shop

Okay so starting an Etsy shop has been no picnic! Its kind of discouraging at first. I opened mine in hopes that people would flood at the opportunity to buy some things and would get the honor of making wonderful things for customers. And make some profit, because we could use the extra money. That being said, this endevour has been fun and somewhat costly ha ha, just ask my husband. I enjoy making my own designs and selling them and I love looking to see if people have viewed my things. I have researched how to make your shop successful and am now trying some of those tips out. Crossing my fingers and hoping it works. 

So if your reading this and you know anyone who has a little girl, please suggest my facebook page to them. I need to get the word out about my shop. :) And if anyone has any suggestions other than professional pictures of my items with cute little models(which I wish I desperately had) then send them my way :). 

Here are my two designs that I have made so far, the third is in the works at the moment. 

The Ainsley Dress
I named it the Ainsley dress because Ainsley's nursery is pink and brow and I just loved this dress and wished she was old enough to wear it lol. 

The MoNique Dress
This dress was my very first design and I decided to name it after my very first customer. My customers daughters name is MoNique and that is how it got its name :) 

Anyways there is still lots to come and I have been uploading them slowly to keep my shop frequent on the search list in Etsy :) 

News from Robbie and I: Going to Greenwood Wednesday to find a place to live. Please pray we can find a place that is in a nice area and in our price range. We are looking to rent and so excited about our very first home together. Every other place we have lived in has been furnished and owned by family. 


  1. Hi! I checked out your Etsy shop just now, and you've made 2 sales! That's awesome. I've never tried to sell anything on Etsy, but I shop there a LOT. I think a lot of it is getting the word out about your store. Maybe make some business cards that have your Etsy store URL on them? Also, blogging regularly (and maybe having a blog dedicated to your clothing/sewing) would be good. I thought the towel tutorial you did was good, so you could do more of those to help "plump" the blog up, if you feel like you don't have much to write about. Tag, tag, tag everything, too. Blog posts, included.

    Hope everything's going well!

  2. OH! You should definitely put some of those little shoes in your shop -- those are my favorite!

  3. Thanks Allison! I actually am going to be putting up the baby shoes soon. I have been starting to implement all the things you mentioned ha ha and I have noticed a lot more views. I am waiting to market it a little more until I have more things up. It just takes time to make everything. But the baby shoes actually dont take long and I have a couple days to just focus on them now.


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