
Thursday, November 3, 2011


(please imagine saying this like that priest on The Princess Bride. It will make your giggle haha)

I just read a wonderful article about "The Grass is Greener Syndrom". Have you had this? 

I know I have!
(Please make me feel better and say you have too!)

Basically, this means that you look at another person's life with the idea that the grass is greener on the other side. In this case, the author was talking about marriage. 

I did this last month. I forgot my calling. My calling to be a Mom, and my calling to be a wife. 

Thoughts of my college days kept running through my mind. 
"If only I was single again. I could just go out and shop and hang out with friends"
"If only I was back in school, I wouldnt have to stress out about a house being clean. A baby and husband being fed"
"Life was so much easier when I was in college"
"I was so skinny and beautiful in college" 

All I could think about was myself and how much I wanted to do before I got married. 

I know, I know. I am awful. 

And please don't hear me wrong. My husband is AMAZING, and My daughter is one of the easiest babies you could ask for. I wouldn't trade them for anything!

It was all the duties that come with being a wife and a mother that got me thinking these things. 

However, God opened my eyes through His word, and through a friend's blog. And also through this article I had read. 

My calling to be a good wife? When I reflected on that. What was I doing wrong? 

Well, I wasn't always trusting Robbie as the head of our household. In Ephesians 5, Paul tells us wives to respect our husbands as the head of the household. 
I respect Robbie but I was not always trusting him in every decision he made for our household. I was sometimes trying to make the decision for us.

Then I wondered what I was doing wrong with my daughter. How was I not meeting my calling as a mother? 
I meet a lot of her needs, but I feel as if I could always do better. I could do better about praying for her. I could do better about making sure that I do things for her that SHE would want to do or would like. For example: She loves to go outside. I, however, don't care about going outside. But because she likes it, I feel like I should do a better job about taking her out. 

When it comes down to it. I love being married. 
It is a blessing. It is a covenant. 

Now it just takes nourishing and remembering that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Why not take the grass you have on your side and nourish it!? Make YOUR grass the greener side. 

Plan a date once a month. 
Even if it is sitting at home and watching a movie together. But cuddle and act just like you were when you were dating!

Make sure to keep each other 2nd in priority to God. 
You should always come second to God. Likewise, my husband should always come second. Re-evalute your priorities if this is not the case and move things around. 

If your a wife, then you are called to be a wife. 
Remember that and it may change your perspective on your idea of being a wife. 
( a friend of mine blogged about this here, and I love it)

Remember to keep your relationship strong in the Lord, because He should be the #1 priority. 
Read His word daily and ask Him for His guidance in these things. Pray for your husband. Pray for your children.

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