
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Expectant Mother's Parking

Have you ever seen this sign? Or one similar to it? 

When I first saw one of these signs in a store parking lot I thought "Really? Why do they need their own parking spaces?" 

I also thought about how I could just park in them and when I got out of the car just push my belly out really far to look like I was pregnant until I got into the store ha ha. 

And then when I did get pregnant I realized that every piece of pregnancy advice included getting a daily walk  in your day. So what better way than to park farther way so you could get some walking in? 

Now that I am about 36 weeks pregnant, I understand what this sign and parking place is there for. Its there for me and the many other women who get into their late stages of pregnancy. 

Ya know that stage where you have to catch your breath even if you are only walking to the bathroom of your house! ha 

The stage where it takes me 5 minutes to get myself out of the car. 

The stage where you have to waddle and your pelvic bones ache from your baby dropping.

 The stage where you feet swell up so bad that your ankle skin folds over and touches the top of your foot!! 

Oh I know this feeling oh so well right now and I am so grateful for these parking spaces. 

Bi-lo here in Greenwood is the only place I have seen them, and it gives me comfort to know that I wont have to walk too far in the parking lot to go grocery shopping. 

Its weird how we as humans take advantage of things we don't understand. I always thought these parking spaces were silly and really made no difference. Now that I am in the position to use them I am so grateful for them and will never take advantage of it again. 

But also now that I understand what these spaces mean, it does aggravate me when I get there only for them to be taken up by people who were just like me in my thinking that these parking spots served no purpose. 

The ones at Bi-lo are not just expectant mother parkings but the sign says "For expectant mothers and new parents only"

Today these spaces were taken up. I did my shopping and came out of the store only to find one of the people who took up a spot getting into their car. They had a child with them that was in a car seat.....except this child was in a TODDLER car seat...this kid can walk!!

I don't think they understood the sign, because as soon as I am putting my groceries in the trunk I see a mom who had to park farther away walking with an infant car seat into the store. These things are heavy people! This made me realize what the sign meant by "new parents". It means the new parents who are having to carry in that heavy load...NOT the parents who are lazy and just because they have a toddler will park there. If your kid can walk, I really see no business in someone using this space up. 

So next time you see one of these parking spaces, please think about that pregnant woman who could really use it, or that new mom who has to carry that heavy car seat. It really is so useful and when you become a pregnant woman or new mother you will understand too. 

We should have servants hearts and put others above our own needs and wants. We as humans can put all laziness and selfishness aside and remember someone's needs are more than my own. Plus everyone could use the exercise, it doesn't hurt to walk. 


  1. I totally see where you are coming from, but being the mom of a toddler who likes to walk... I understand even a mom of a toddler using them. Lula Mae's little legs get tired if we walk from too far back. Plus I have to carry Jayce in his seat at the same time and try to hold her hand. So I still feel like I deserve to use them even though I am not exactly a "new mom" (although if I have my husband with me I never use them because he can help). If I take Jayce out alone I don't mind walking a little ways and I never take those spots. The seat may be heavy, but it isn't unbearable. Lula Mae's safety is the only reason I like Bi-Lo's spots. I do think there should be TONS more of these spaces for pregnant mommies and mommies with little ones though, all over Greenwood.

    I do laugh though when we go to Babies R US and see those signs. I mean, come on... it's Babies R Us! 90% of your customers are expecting! LOL Not gonna lie though, I enjoyed parking in them when I was in my last couple of weeks!

    PLUS at Bi-Lo they will take your grocery cart to your car too. I totally took advantage of that while I was pregnant!

  2. ha ha yeah I used to think these parkings were silly. Oh and I totally understand you having a toddler AND a baby and being by yourself. That I dont mind, but when I see a mom with a dad and a kid who looks like he is like 4 years old...that was what I had an issue with. He wasnt even like just 2 or so.

    Ha its funny because i looked this up online and people have such a problem with these parking spots. They were saying stuff like "if the pregnant woman is going to go shopping she is going to walk around the store anyways so why does she need to be closer" I understand this reasoning, especially if you dont know what its like to be in these last few weeks but I know for me the last thing I want to do is get in my car and go anywhere, and when I do have to go somewhere I get in there and get out.

  3. LOL all those people who don't understand those parking spots have never been pregnant! They don't realize that you are already exhausted by the time you GET to the store! Saving a few steps make a big difference when you are about to pop!!! hahahah!


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